Saturday, June 27, 2015

Bucketlist Item: Learn to Make a Croissant. Check!

As of yesterday, I can officialy cross "Making a Croissant" off of my bucketlist!

I had actually forgotten this item was on there when I first started working at the bakery, and it wasn't until I was able to look my list over this last week that I realized I had almost accomplished it. Making these takes four days of mixing, shaping, freezing, thawing, sheeting, folding butter in, then finally cutting, shaping, and baking. 

For the last month I've been doing all but the last three steps of this process, but I was finally taught how to cut and shape them yesterday, and above is the finished product. 

So that is one item down, many more to go!

Lets see which ones I can complete next. 

~ Hannah ❤

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